Sunday, June 16, 2024

User Onboarding in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations for SOX Compliance - PART 2 - Solution configuration


This article series explains how to streamline the user onboarding process in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, providing a unique implementation resource. The series is divided into two parts as follows:

PART 1: Solution components

PART 2: Solution configuration

Let's get started with PART 2.


Ensuring SOX compliance during user onboarding in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) is crucial for maintaining organizational integrity and security. This article explains how to configure the user onboarding process step-by-step, from creating a worker record to automatically assigning security roles through automated workflows.

After creating a worker record in the Human Resources (HR) module as part of the onboarding checklist, the HR department requests the creation of a D365FO user to grant the new hire access to Dynamics 365. HR attaches the user's role-based security roles to their user creation request. At the end of the approval process, the user is automatically created with the desired role-based security role(s).

Workflow configuration

This section explains how to configure user workflows.

Go to System administration >> Workflow >> User workflows.

There are currently two workflow configurations in my instance:

  • User request workflow (onboarding). This workflow is used for onboarding users.
  • Inactivate user request workflow (offboarding). This workflow is used for offboarding users.

Let’s take a closer look at the User request workflow configuration.

My configuration includes two workflow objects for demonstration purposes:

  • Automated provision user: This step creates the D365FO user automatically. (This is an automated task).
  • Notify new user: This step notifies the user. (This is an automated task).

There is no manual approval process included in this demo flow. You can include manual approval steps (Approve user request) according to your scenario.

In Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O), workflow tasks can be manual or automated:

  • Manual tasks require users to complete actions, such as reviewing receipts or calling a manager. For example, an expense report workflow might include manual tasks. There is no manual task in my scenario for easy demonstration purpose.
  • Automated tasks are units of work that the system performs without human interaction. For example, a sales order workflow might include automated tasks, such as performing a credit check or creating a customer record or creating user or notifying user.

Worker creation

This step is where the new user's worker record is created.

Navigate to Worker Creation.

Go to Human resources >> Workers >> Employees.

Create the new user.

Click on Complete to finalize worker creation.
Note that the status is now Completed.
Click on Worker action history button.
Note that the status is Completed.
Worker actions can be seen under “All worker actions” form.
Human resources >> Workers >> Actions >> All worker actions.

Worker user request

This step is where the new user's D365FO access is requested.
Navigate to Worker User Requests.
Go to Human resources >> Workers >> Worker user requests

Click on Add worker user. 

Select the worker’s name in the worker field.

Select the user type in the user type field.

Enter the user’s email in the email field.

Type the user’s username in the name field.

Select the user’s security roles in the User’s roles section. 

Submit the request.

Click on Submit.

Submitted D365 user creation request goes to the approval process.

After the approval, user creation request status becomes “Completed”. 

Let’s go to user list and see the new creation user.



Note that new user is now useable.

In conclusion, this two-part series has provided a comprehensive guide to streamlining the user onboarding process in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, ensuring compliance with SOX regulations. By following the detailed steps outlined in this article, organizations can efficiently create and configure user records, automate approval workflows, and assign necessary security roles. The configuration and demonstration in Part 2 showcase the practical implementation of these processes, highlighting the importance of automated tasks and efficient workflow management. With these insights, businesses can enhance their onboarding procedures, ensuring new hires have timely and secure access to necessary resources within Dynamics 365 F&O.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Configurable Business Documents in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations - PART 5 - Business documents security


This article series explains and demonstrates the use of configurable business documents in real-life scenarios. The purpose is to provide a unique implementation resource. The entire series will be in five parts as follows: 

PART 5: Business documents security

Let's get started with PART 5 which is the last part of this series.


Activating Business Document security permissions 
Configuring Business Document security permissions


Managing access to Configurable Business Document (CBD) templates within the Business Document Management workspace is crucial for maintaining organized and secure operations across various business domains (functional areas). By default, all users with access to this workspace can view all available ER solution templates. However, configuring access permissions allows administrators to control which users can edit specific templates, ensuring that only authorized personnel have the appropriate access based on their roles. This article outlines the step-by-step process for setting up these access permissions, enabling businesses to tailor template access according to functional areas and user roles, thereby enhancing document management efficiency and security.

Activating Business Document security permissions

If business document access permissions are not activated, every user with access to the Business Document Management workspace will see all of the ER document templates. To activate these permissions, follow these steps:

Go to Organization administration >> Electronic reporting >> Business document management >> Manage access permissions to edit templates.

Note that system notifies you that security is not in place yet.
Click on the access permissions settings. (1)
Activate the security. (2)

In this case, Business document management workspace (below) will show only

those templates that reside in ER format configurations and that are marked by a Business document type tag as below.

Configuring Business Document security permissions

The document list in the Business document management workspace can be restricted by configuring access permissions. This is crucial when various templates are used to create business documents across different domains (functional areas), and you need to grant specific users access to edit different templates within the Business Document Management workspace.

Access permissions for Business Document Management can be configured in the Access Permissions Configurator. Only one of the following users have access to this page:
  • Users assigned to System administrator role
  • Users assigned to any role that has duty Configure permissions to access Business document templates for editing (AOT name ERBDTemplatesSecurity)
Now, we know who can set up security configuration changes (any role with "Configure permissions to access Business document templates for editing" duty).

Let's talk about who can edit the business documents. 

When security is not activeevery user assigned to any security role that is configured to perform the Manage Business document templates (AOT name ERBDManageTemplates) duty is able to open the Business document management workspace and can edit any template that is available. 

Let's assign Manage Business document templates duty to Accounts receivable clerk and see what is available to the role.

Note: In our case, there are only 2 documents that we have created in the previous articles in total in the Business document management workspace as below.
Please note that Accounts receivable clerk can see all available business documents because security is not active.

That's not what we want. What we want is to allow the Accounts receivable clerk to see only their related process documents.

Follow the procedure below to configure specific access to Business Documents for all legal entities:

Let's activate the security by going to Configurator of access permissions page.
Click on Organization administration >> Electronic invoicing >> Business document management >> Manage access permissions to edit templates.
Click on Access permissions settings.

Activate the parameter.
Click on OK.

What we want is to provide users access to only their respective business areas. The next step is for this purpose, to configure specific access permissions.

Click on +Add.
Select the role Accounts receivable clerk.

Create new line on the Access permissions per tags of configurations.
Select tag type Functional area.
Select Id Invoicing.

Create new line on the Access permissions per configurations.
Select related report configuration. We are selecting Free text invoice (Excel) Your company since we want Accounts receivable clerk to see only invoice, not packing slip.

All required configurations have been completed. Let's take a second look at the business document management workspace with Accounts receivable clerk role. There should be only free text invoice design there.

Please note that the Accounts Receivable Clerk can now only see the free text invoice design, as expected.

In summary, different combinations of the security settings result in the following:

In conclusion, this series on Configurable Business Documents in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations has provided a comprehensive guide to setting up and securing business documents. By following the steps outlined across these five parts, organizations can effectively manage document configurations, make format changes, add new fields, and control access based on user roles and business areas. Implementing these security measures ensures that only authorized personnel can view and edit specific templates. 

This final part on Business Document Security completes the series, equipping you with the knowledge to fully leverage configurable business documents in your Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations environments.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Promissory Notes in D365 Finance: A Step-by-Step Guide


A real life scenario
Using the promissory note in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations


A promissory note is a financial instrument in which one party formally commits to paying a specific sum of money to another party. This Dynamics 365 Finance feature is versatile and can be effectively used by accounts payable (AP) teams, accounts receivable (AR) teams, treasury departments, legal teams, and vendors. By incorporating promissory notes into their processes, these teams can improve cash flow management and maintain the accuracy of financial records. Process users are as follows:
  • AP teams use promissory notes to manage payments to vendors and suppliers. Promissory notes can be issued as a promise to pay at a future date, helping to manage cash flow and payment schedules.
  • Finance professionals use promissory notes for cash management, planning, and ensuring that the company meets its financial obligations. They may also use them to secure short-term financing.
  • Legal and compliance teams ensure that the issuance and management of promissory notes comply with legal standards and company policies. They handle the documentation and record-keeping associated with promissory notes.
In Dynamics 365 Finance, promissory notes are primarily used by companies and organizations that engage in financial transactions requiring formalized payment agreements. 

Note:  Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations AR teams might use promissory notes to manage incoming payments from customers. This is common in B2B transactions where credit terms are extended to clients.

Let's take a look at the overall process flow.

User creates a purchase order for the required goods, materials or services. Upon receiving physical items or services, related product receipt is posted. After receiving items, vendor invoice is posted to document the payable amount to the vendor. So far, everything is as usual.

Issuing promissory note: Instead of immediate payment, user issues a promissory note to the vendor, promising to pay the amount at a future date. 
  • Record liability: User creates a promissory note as a liability in the accounts payable module.
  • Track promissory note: User monitors the promissory note for due dates and any interest accruals.
  • Settle promissory note: On the due date, user processes the payment to settle the promissory note.
User verifies that the payment has been successfully recorded and the vendor's account is updated. When the time cones, user generates financial reports to ensure all transactions are accurately reflected in the company's financial statements. 

A real life scenario

Contoso purchases $10,000 worth of inventory from Acme. Instead of making immediate payment, Contoso issues a promissory note promising to pay the amount in 60 days. While due date approaches, Contoso makes sure that funds are available. When the due date comes, Contoso settles the promissory note and issues the payment

Using the promissory note in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Let's take a look at the invoice that we will work on.

Instead of making a payment, we will create a document that will promise a future payment.

When you use promissory notes as payment, 
  • you debit the vendor account, next step is to wait for bank's payment
  • when you receive notification from the bank that the promissory note has been honored (paid), you can close the promissory note.
This scenario will be covered with the below steps:
  • Draw a promissory note
  • Remit a promissory note
  • Settle a promissory note
At the start of the process, before drawing a promissory note, the promissory note statistics inquiry shows the current status as follows: 

We will get back to this screen several more times along the article. Let's create a promissory note now.

Draw promissory note:  Go to AP >> Payments >> Promissory notes >> Draw promissory note journal.

Create journal header.

Select the bank account on the promissory notes tab.
Click on lines.
Select the vendor >> Settle transactions
Mark the transaction and click OK. 
Click on Functions > Generate payments.

Send generated file to the vendor.

Post the journal.
Note that: 
  • last promised amount is now included on the Promissory note statistics form's "Drawn and invoice-confirmed document" line. Go to that form via AP >> Inquiries and reports >> payment >> Promissory note statistics.
  • vendor summary account is debited and the promissory note summary account is credited.

Next step is to notify bank for the future payment when the due date comes. 

Remit payment to the bank: Remittance journal is used to generate a remittance file that you can send to your bank. The file can contain information about drawn promissory notes and invoices that have been posted

Go to AP >> Payments >> Promissory notes >> Remittance journal.

Create journal header. 

Select the bank account on the promissory notes tab.
Click on lines.

Select the vendor >> Settle transactions
Mark the transaction and click OK.

Click on Functions > Generate remittance.

Note that:
  • remitted amount is now included on the Promissory note statistics form's "Remitted and remitted-confirmed documents" line. Go to that form via AP >> Inquiries and reports >> payment >> Promissory note statistics.
  • vendor summary account is debited, and the invoice-remitted summary account is credited.
Last step is to settle promissory note. 

Settle promissory note: Settlement journal is used to settle promissory note when it is due.

Go to AP >> Payments >> Promissory notes >> Settle promissory journal.

Create promissory settlement journal header
Select the bank account on the promissory notes tab.
Click on lines
Select the vendor. 
Click on "Settle transactions".
Mark the transaction and click OK. 

Post the journal. 
Note that:
  • honored amount is now included on the Promissory note statistics form's "Honored documents" line. Go to that form via AP >> Inquiries and reports >> payment >> Promissory note statistics.
  • when you settle an invoice-remitted invoice, the invoice-remitted summary account is debited and the vendor summary account is credited.
Lifecycle of the promissory note can be followed via promissory note journal inquiry form 
Note that the last status of  promissory note #000011 is honored. 

Click on Close button at the top.
Click OK. 
Promissory note related vendor transactions are as below. 

In conclusion, while the promissory note functionality in Dynamics 365 Finance offers significant benefits for managing payments and cash flow, it is important to note that this feature is not typically utilized within the United States. However, for businesses operating in regions where it is applicable, using this tool can lead to improved cash flow management.

Segregating Responsibilities in Vendor Invoice Processing

SEGREGATING RESPONSIBILITIES IN VENDOR INVOICE PROCESSING CONTENT Introduction SOD business process flow in Vendor Invoice Processing Prereq...